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Writer's pictureCoach Rebecca Misek

A Word for the Prophets and the Prophetically Gifted: Speak Solutions to the Earth

In recent days, I have seen many prophets and those with prophetic giftings—including the watchmen and watchwomen—gazing into the second heaven, observing the rumblings and spiritual activity. They are witnessing warfare in the heavenly realms, a scene that resonates with the words of Matthew

"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.”

** please don’t attach end times theology here. I am only communicating what is being said in the airwaves in second heaven***

Let this be clear: these wars and rumors of wars are not a cause for alarm but a signal that there are birth pains. And what happens when something is birthed? It ends in joy doesn't it?!

What I am discerning is that many prophets and prophetically gifted individuals are speaking out what they see in the second heaven and in the natural world, often calling into existence things that were never meant to be. But we must ask ourselves: Why is the Lord revealing this to me? Why am I seeing this now? Are we merely to tremble at the turmoil in the heavens and place our faith in the signs of this second realm? Or is there something more we are called to do with what we are sensing, seeing, and feeling?

I hear the Lord saying that He is showing you these things not to stir fear, but to reveal the times and seasons. These are indeed birth pains, but they are also a reminder of who you are. We are not helpless victims of the chaos around us. No! We carry a greater mandate. We are called to speak prophetic solutions into the earth, to pray Heaven's solutions, and watch those rumblings transform into a great victory!

A man on top of a mountain

You are prophetic sons and daughters endowed with authority to rule, reign, and declare from the third heaven, where He is seated on His throne with Jesus at His right hand. That is the realm of true authority—the place where we are seated with Him in heavenly places. From that vantage point, we make our declarations.

It’s time to stop speaking defeat over the future!

We are not here to passively observe—we are called to be part of the solution.

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